Brett Maas reflection

To all of my followers, family, friends, and people I have connected with online I would like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving.

This is a great time to reflect and I appreciate all of my clients business for trusting me with their investor relations, my family for supporting me, and friends I have made over the years and now online with my Brett Maas Blog, Brett Maas website, and Brett Maas charity site.

Thanks to all of you.

10645_Happy Thanksgiving

Brett Maas launches new charity website

I decided to keep track of where I donate and great organizations that need help or donations. I have always believed in giving back and I’m grateful for my success.

So I decided to create Brett Maas Dot Org. – to list great organizations to give back to. Feel free to send me your suggestions.

You can contact me through Brett Maas Facebook, Brett Maas Twitter, Brett

Remember, Givers Gain, Takers Lose!

Check out my Brett Maas business and charity sites!

I have been very busy helping clients communicate their story to the street. But I have also been busy building my very own Brett Maas Business blog to share great stories about investor relations and my Brett Maas Charity Blog .

This site is going to be more for family, friends, and keeping track of Social Media, Social Networking, and my connections.

Also, follow me on my Brett Maas Twitter and become a fan on my Brett Maas Facebook!

Thanks for stopping by and check back.